Can I Return or Cancel my Subscription at any time?

Return/Cancellation Policy

Your Subscription can be canceled at any time. To cancel your subscription, please log into your account page and follow the cancellation instructions or contact Storypod Support no later than 4 business days before the Auto-Renewal Date.

Note: Special Cancellation terms apply in case of initial purchases of a Subscription Set, including a Storypod device, as follows:

When you purchase a Storypod device as part of your initial subscription order below a price point of $50 (as indicated during checkout and in your order confirmation email), the right to cancel at any time remains. But if the cancellation occurs prior to three (3) successful and paid deliveries of subscription sets, you agree to either return the Storypod device or pay the difference between the paid price and the website's current MSRP (MSRP not to exceed $99). Please see the following example for further clarification: If a Storypod device was purchased for $25 as part of a Subscription offer (first delivery), and you decide to cancel anytime before a third delivery was successful (delivered and paid), you agree to either pay the device price difference of $74 or return the device to us (shipping cost to be paid by the customer).