How can I remove an Admin/Uploader from my recordables?

You want to remove an Admin/Uploader from iCraftie or Sory Sticker but do not know how? Well, you came to the right place. Below you will find step-by-step instructions to remove Admins/Uploaders from iCrafite Owl or Story Stickers.

  • Open the Storypod app.
  • Tap on 'Record' at the bottom of the screen
  • Tap the image of iCraftie or Story Sticker
  • Tap on "Members"
  • Tap "Invite Member" in the teal rectangle at the bottom of the screen
    • Locate the Admin/Uploader that you would like to remove.
      • Swipe the line of that individual to the left
        • Tap "delete"

You have now removed an Admin/Uploader. 🙂

For additional assistance, you can always reach Storypod Support via email at